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Mapping published Data Products to JSOC dataseries.

Description JSOC dataseries Name Contents Summary
AIA Level 0 aia.lev0aia.lev0.txt
AIA Level 1 aia.lev1aia.lev1.txt
AIA Level 1, 12 second cadence aia.lev1_euv_12saia.lev1_euv_12s.txt
AIA Level 1, 24 second cadence aia.lev1_uv_24saia.lev1_uv_24s.txt
AIA Level 1, 3600 second cadence aia.lev1_vis_1haia.lev1_vis_1h.txt
AIA flatfield aia.flatfieldaia.flatfield.txt
AIA instrument response table aia.responseaia.response.txt
Temperature Statistics from AIA Housekeeping - Thermal Packet aia.temperature_summary_300saia.temperature_summary_300s.txt
Cylindrical equal area projected HMI vector patch hmi.B_720s_e15w1332_CEAhmi.B_720s_e15w1332_CEA.txt
HMI vector patch cutout hmi.B_720s_e15w1332_cutouthmi.B_720s_e15w1332_cutout.txt
continuum intensities with a cadence of 45 seconds. hmi.Ic_45shmi.Ic_45s.txt
continuum intensities with a cadence of 720 seconds. hmi.Ic_720shmi.Ic_720s.txt
Continuum intensities with limb darkening removed hmi.Ic_noLimbDark_720shmi.Ic_noLimbDark_720s.txt
Continuum intensities with limb darkening removed hmi.Ic_noLimbDark_720s_nrthmi.Ic_noLimbDark_720s_nrt.txt
linedepths with a cadence of 720 seconds. hmi.Ld_720shmi.Ld_720s.txt
linewidths with a cadence of 45 seconds. hmi.Lw_45shmi.Lw_45s.txt
linewidths with a cadence of 720 seconds. hmi.Lw_720shmi.Lw_720s.txt
Full-disk Milne-Eddigton inversion hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332.txt
Milne-Eddigton inversion for selected region(s) hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARPhmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARP.txt
Milne-Eddigton inversion hmi.ME_720s_fd10hmi.ME_720s_fd10.txt
Milne-Eddigton inversion for selected region(s) hmi.ME_720s_fd10_HARPhmi.ME_720s_fd10_HARP.txt
Near Real Time Milne-Eddigton inversion for selected region(s) hmi.ME_720s_fd10_HARP_nrthmi.ME_720s_fd10_HARP_nrt.txt
Milne-Eddigton inversion (Near Real Time) hmi.ME_720s_fd10_nrthmi.ME_720s_fd10_nrt.txt
magnetograms with a cadence of 45 seconds. hmi.M_45shmi.M_45s.txt
magnetograms with a cadence of 720 seconds. hmi.M_720shmi.M_720s.txt
Quick-look magnetograms with a cadence of 720 seconds. hmi.M_720s_nrthmi.M_720s_nrt.txt
Full disk active region mask (char) hmi.Marmask_720shmi.Marmask_720s.txt
Full disk active region mask (char) hmi.Marmask_720s_nrthmi.Marmask_720s_nrt.txt
HARP = HMI Active Region Patch hmi.Mharp_720shmi.Mharp_720s.txt
Quicklook HARP = HMI Active Region Patch hmi.Mharp_720s_nrthmi.Mharp_720s_nrt.txt
HMI daily update synoptic frame -- line-of-sight field hmi.Mldailysynframe_720shmi.Mldailysynframe_720s.txt
HMI NRT daily update synoptic frame -- line-of-sight field hmi.Mldailysynframe_720s_nrthmi.Mldailysynframe_720s_nrt.txt
HMI daily update synoptic map--Br hmi.Mrdailysynframe_720shmi.Mrdailysynframe_720s.txt
HMI NRT daily update synoptic map--Br hmi.Mrdailysynframe_720s_nrthmi.Mrdailysynframe_720s_nrt.txt
level 1p IQUV data averaged at a cadence of 12 minutes hmi.S_720shmi.S_720s.txt
HMI synoptic chart of line-of-sight magnetic field from hmi.M_720s data hmi.Synoptic_Ml_720shmi.Synoptic_Ml_720s.txt
HMI synoptic chart of line-of-sight magnetic field from hmi.M_720s - small size map hmi.Synoptic_Ml_720s_smallhmi.Synoptic_Ml_720s_small.txt
HMI synoptic chart of radial magnetic field (from line-of-sight field) from hmi.M_720s data hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720shmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s.txt
HMI synoptic chart of radial magnetic field (from line-of-sight field) from hmi.M_720s data -- small size map hmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s_smallhmi.Synoptic_Mr_720s_small.txt
Dopplergrams with a cadence of 45 seconds hmi.V_45shmi.V_45s.txt
Dopplergrams with a cadence of 720 seconds hmi.V_720shmi.V_720s.txt
Temporal averages of HMI Vgrams over 1/3 CR hmi.V_avg120hmi.V_avg120.txt
HMI flat field hmi.flatfieldhmi.flatfield.txt
Binned HMI NRT Dopplergrams for GONG far-side processing hmi.fsVbinned_nrthmi.fsVbinned_nrt.txt
linedepths with a cadence of 45 seconds. hmi.Ld_45shmi.ld_45s.txt
HMI flat field hmi.offpoint_flatfieldhmi.offpoint_flatfield.txt
ring fits to power spectra of 5-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/72 CR hmi.rdVfitsc_fd05hmi.rdVfitsc_fd05.txt
ring fits to power spectra of 15-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/24 CR hmi.rdVfitsc_fd15hmi.rdVfitsc_fd15.txt
ring fits to power spectra of 30-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/12 CR hmi.rdVfitsc_fd30hmi.rdVfitsc_fd30.txt
ring fits to power spectra of 5-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/72 CR hmi.rdVfitsf_fd05hmi.rdVfitsf_fd05.txt
ring fits to power spectra of 15-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/24 CR hmi.rdVfitsf_fd15hmi.rdVfitsf_fd15.txt
ring fits to power spectra of 30-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/12 CR hmi.rdVfitsf_fd30hmi.rdVfitsf_fd30.txt
Power spectra of 5-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/72 CR hmi.rdVpspec_fd05hmi.rdVpspec_fd05.txt
Power spectra of 15-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/24 CR hmi.rdVpspec_fd15hmi.rdVpspec_fd15.txt
Power spectra of 30-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/12 CR hmi.rdVpspec_fd30hmi.rdVpspec_fd30.txt
5-deg Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/72 CR hmi.rdVtrack_fd05hmi.rdVtrack_fd05.txt
15-deg Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/24 CR hmi.rdVtrack_fd15hmi.rdVtrack_fd15.txt
30-deg Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked for 1/12 CR hmi.rdVtrack_fd30hmi.rdVtrack_fd30.txt
flow inversions of fits to ring-diagram power spectra of 15-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/24 CR hmi.rdVflows_fd15_framehmi.rdvflows_fd15_frame.txt
flow inversions of fits to ring-diagram power spectra of 30-deg HMI Doppler cubes on ring-diagram synoptic grid tracked 1/12 CR hmi.rdVflows_fd30_framehmi.rdvflows_fd30_frame.txt
velocity and sound-speed inferred from time-distance helioseismology hmi.tdVinvrt_synopHChmi.tdVinvrt_synopHC.txt
time-distance helioseismology travel times hmi.tdVtimes_synopHChmi.tdVtimes_synopHC.txt
Tracked mapped Doppler cubes at synoptic locations hmi.tdVtrack_synopHChmi.tdVtrack_synopHC.txt
Temperature Statistics from HMI Housekeeping - Thermal/PS voltage packet hmi.temperature_summary_300shmi.temperature_summary_300s.txt
MDI calibration tables for dopplergrams mdi.caltables_dopplermdi.caltables_doppler.txt
MDI calibration tables for [orig] dopplergrams mdi.caltables_doppler_origmdi.caltables_doppler_orig.txt
MDI calibration tables for intensitygrams mdi.caltables_intensitymdi.caltables_intensity.txt
MDI Full Disk 96m Magnetogram mdi.fd_M_96m_lev182mdi.fd_M_96m_lev182.txt
MDI Full Disk 01-m Magnetogram mdi.fd_M_lev182mdi.fd_M_lev182.txt
MDI Full Disk Dopplergram mdi.fd_Vmdi.fd_v.txt
MDI fd_V_01h lev1.8 Full-disk Dopplergrams mdi.fd_V_lev18mdi.fd_v_lev18.txt
MDI Roll Table mdi.roll_tablemdi.roll_table.txt
MDI Scale Corrections Table mdi.scale_correctionsmdi.scale_corrections.txt
MDI sinrho fits file mdi.sinrho_tablemdi.sinrho_table.txt
MDI mdi.vw_V_lev18mdi.vw_V_lev18.txt
MDI Vector-Weighted Dopplergram mdi.vw_Vmdi.vw_v.txt
SID Level0 Database sid_awe.sidsid_awe.sid.txt
SID Rawfile Database Archive sid_awe.sidarchivesid_awe.sidarchive.txt
AWESOME RAW DATA sid_awe.awesomesid_awe.awesome.txt
updated Tue 18 September 2012 at 06:09:32 PM

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