int drms_copykeys ( DRMS_Record_t target,
DRMS_Record_t source,
int  usesrcset,
DRMS_KeywordClass_t  class 

Copies the values of a subset of the source keywords to the identically named keywords in the target DRMS record. If the usesrcset flag is set to 1, then the subset to copy is derived from the keywords present in the source DRMS record. All keywords in the source record that are a member of the class (see DRMS_KeywordClass_enum for a list of classes) specified are copied to the target record. If the usesrcset flag is set to 0, then the keywords to copy are derived from the target record. It may be desireable to copy keyword values from multiple source records to a single target record, in which case this function needs to be called once for each source.

target The DRMS record that contains the keywords to be modified.
source The DRMS record that contains the keywords whose values are to be copied.
usesrcset A flag - if set to 1 then the names of the keywords to copy are derived from the keywords in source.
class The category of keywords to be copied.
Upon successful completion, returns DRMS_SUCCESS. If an error occurs, the function returns an appropriate DRMS error code as defined in drms_statuscodes.h. Typical errors are as follows. DRMS_ERROR_UNKNOWNKEYWORD is returned if an attempt is made to write to a keyword that does not exist in the target record.

Definition at line 1601 of file drms_keyword.c.

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