HMI Vector Field Data for AR 11158 are currently available as tar files.

All validated HMI data are openly available. You are welcome to download and use these data, give talks, show movies, etc. We consider these data to be a 'beta release' version, both in the sense that there are some documented problems with the results and that we ask for your help in identifying issues. As of December 4, 2011 you may submit publications using these data, however the documentation is not yet complete. We ask that you cite the HMI vector field paper that is being prepared [VectorDataReference].

In the mean time, we strongly encourage you to contact one of the HMI magnetic team members for advice and to discuss remaining issues in the data. We encourage you to provide feedback on the data and to contact us if you find anything unusual.

By clicking below you agree that you will read the documentation that is available and that you will contact the HMI Vector Team with any questions. If we discover any additional significant problems, we will announce that here, so please check back before submission. If you would like to be notified of any issues, please contact Todd Hoeksema or any member of the VectorFieldTeam.

Note: These data and data for other active regions processed in the same way can be accessed via the standard JSOC data interface as described at ReleaseNotes2.

You are welcome to use the movies with proper attribution [see VectorDataReference].

Note, it can take some time for the ftp site to load.