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Revision 59 as of 2013-05-01 04:35:26
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Editor: localhost
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Notes on
'''hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332''' ([http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html?ds=hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332 click here]) and
'''hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARP''' ([http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html?ds=hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARP click here])
== Release Notes for Initial Milne Eddington Inversion of HMI Magnetic Field Data (VFISV) ==

'''hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332''' ([[http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html?ds=hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332|click here for data]]) and
'''hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARP''' ([[http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html?ds=hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARP|click here for data]])
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These two series contain all ME inversion data processed by means of VFISV of the version that we think is best as of February 23, 2012. These two data series contain ME inversion data processed using VFISV ([[http://hmi.stanford.edu/doc/magnetic/section4.pdf|details]]) using the codes implemented through 27 November, 2011. There are known issues with these versions of VFISV, but this remains the best ME release version as of February 27, 2012. We consider this a beta-test version of the HMI vector field inversion.
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Our efforts on optimizing the VFISV in the HMI data pipeline are going on, and  . The prime data products are field strength, inclination, and azimuth. Errors and other quantities are included.
 . No disambiguation has been performed, so azimuths are in the range 0-180, not 0-360.
 . e15 in the series name indicates that the number of iterations at each pixel was 200.
 . w1332 in the series name indicates that the relative weights of I,Q,U,V were 1,3,3,2 in the inversion.

Our efforts to optimize the VFISV for the HMI data pipeline are on going, and
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We will announce the release of the new data through the Solar News. The eventual pipeline code for HMI vector inversions will be different.
We will announce the release of the new data through Solar News.
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 * '''coverage chart''' of these two series : The website provides (to be pointed here) the coverage chart of these two series. ==== Temporal Coverage for These Two Series ====
'''[[http://jsoc.stanford.edu/doc/data/hmi/coverage_maps/inversion/|Monthly charts]]''' show the 12-minute time slots for which the ME inversion data processed with the VFISV module are available. The coverage charts also contain the status flags of the HMI observation, thus the quality and availability of input [[http://jsoc.stanford.edu/ajax/lookdata.html?ds=hmi.S_720s|Stokes]] data. See [[ME720se15w1332CoverChart| details]] for an explanation of the coverage charts.
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 * '''hmi.ME720s_e15w1332''' : For ''full-disk''. Typically on 2 per day basis, at 7 and 19UT evryday. The latest version (Oct. 14, 2011) of VFISV is used to process the full-disk input Stokes data mainly since October 1st, 2011. The latest version of VFISV is being used by the current near-real-time runs that is filling this series using the latest definitive Stokes data, on the 2 per day basis, usually a week after the observation. An older version (May 26, 2011) was used to process the Stokes data from May 2010 to September 2011, however, the latest version was used to process data for some of this period. Checking the version of VFISV codes is strongly recommended.  * '''hmi.ME720s_e15w1332 - ''Full Disk'' '''
  . S
ynoptic data, on twice per day basis at 7 and 19UT daily, are stored in this series. The latest (Oct. 14, 2011 or later) version of VFISV was used to process the full-disk data since October 1st, 2011. The latest version of VFISV is being used to extend this series using the latest definitive Stokes data, on the 2 per day basis, usually about a week after the observation. An older version (May 26, 2011) was used to process most of the Stokes data from May 2010 to September 2011, however, the latest version was used to process some data this 17-month period. Data for scattered additional time intervals are also available. Differences between the versions are described below. Checking the version of VFISV codes is strongly recommended.
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 * '''hmi.ME720s_e15w1332_HARP''' : For ''active region(s)''. The latest version (Oct. 14, 2011) of VFISV is used to generate the ME data stored in this series. Many of the active regions processed are recognized by [:HARPDataSeries:HARP module], while some are determined in different ways. This series covers many of the ARs that created the X-class flares in 2011, including the one occurring on 2011 February 15 (at NOAA AR11158), with the 12 minutes (720 seconds) cadence. The ME data stored at this series were used for preparing [:ReleaseNotes:the test data release] of the 3-component disambiguated vector data for the AR 11158.  * '''hmi.ME720s_e15w1332_HARP - ''HMI Active Region Patches'' '''
. The latest version (Oct. 14, 2011) of VFISV has been used to generate the ME data stored in this series. Many of the active regions were recognized automatically by the [[HARPDataSeries|HARP module]], while some were defined manually. This series includes 12-minute (720s) cadence data for several of the ARs that created X-class flares in 2011, including the one occurring on 2011 February 15 (at NOAA AR11158). The ME data stored at this series were used for preparing [[ReleaseNotes|the test data release]] of the 3-component disambiguated vector data for AR 11158. Additional time intervals are described at ReleaseNotes2.
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 * '''version of VFISV''' in the FITS files exported at JSOC database.
* Stored as a string value of a keyword ''INVCODEV'', or a header card of the FITS file.
  * On IDL, the version will be printed by, for example,{{{
IDL> img=fitsio_read_image('img.fits',header)
IDL> print, sxpar(header,'INVCODEV')}}}
  * The ME data at the two series were processed with one of three versions, labeled with either date of ''May 26, 2011'', ''Oct 14, 2011'' or ''Nov 27, 2011''.
 * '''d
ifferences between 2011-May-26 version and 2011-October-14 version'''
==== Versions of VFISV in the FITS files exported at JSOC database ====

* The VFISV version is stored as a string value in the keyword ''INVCODEV''.
  * The ME data for the two series were pro
cessed with one of three versions, labeled with a date, "May 26, 2011", "Oct 14, 2011" or "Nov 27, 2011".
  * In IDL, for example, if the exported data is read with [[http://hmi.stanford.edu/doc/magnetic/fitsio.pdf|fitsio_read_image()]] then, the version keyword can be printed with sxpar():
    IDL> img=fitsio_read_image('img.fits',header)
    IDL> print, sxpar(header,'INVCODEV') }}}

* '''Differences between 2011-May-26 version and 2011-October-14 version'''
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   2. Derivatives of residual square-chi is calculated at the best-fitting parameters instead of those at the last iteration stage.    2. Derivatives of residual square-chi is calculated with the best-fitting parameters instead of those at the last iteration stage.
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   1. The 32-bit quality flag for each pixel (segment name : qual_map) had been redefined. This change is adjustable without rerunning VFISV, thus, the published data at the two series have the quality flag map given with the latest definition.
 * '''differences between 2011-October-14 version and 2011-November-27 version'''
  * The changes were limited to the part of JSOC data interface and MPI parallelism thus did not affect the output data.
   1. The 32-bit quality flag for each pixel (segment name : qual_map) was redefined. This change is adjustable without rerunning VFISV, thus, the published data at the two series have the quality flag map given with the latest definition.

* '''Differences between 2011-October-14 version and 2011-November-27 version'''
  * The changes were limited to the JSOC data interface and MPI parallelism, and thus did not affect the output data values.

Release Notes for Initial Milne Eddington Inversion of HMI Magnetic Field Data (VFISV)

hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332 (click here for data) and hmi.ME_720s_e15w1332_HARP (click here for data)

These two data series contain ME inversion data processed using VFISV (details) using the codes implemented through 27 November, 2011. There are known issues with these versions of VFISV, but this remains the best ME release version as of February 27, 2012. We consider this a beta-test version of the HMI vector field inversion.

  • The prime data products are field strength, inclination, and azimuth. Errors and other quantities are included.
  • No disambiguation has been performed, so azimuths are in the range 0-180, not 0-360.
  • e15 in the series name indicates that the number of iterations at each pixel was 200.
  • w1332 in the series name indicates that the relative weights of I,Q,U,V were 1,3,3,2 in the inversion.

Our efforts to optimize the VFISV for the HMI data pipeline are on going, and we will create the series to fill the data processed by the newer codes when ready. The eventual pipeline code for HMI vector inversions will be different. We will announce the release of the new data through Solar News.

Temporal Coverage for These Two Series

Monthly charts show the 12-minute time slots for which the ME inversion data processed with the VFISV module are available. The coverage charts also contain the status flags of the HMI observation, thus the quality and availability of input Stokes data. See details for an explanation of the coverage charts.

  • hmi.ME720s_e15w1332 - Full Disk

    • Synoptic data, on twice per day basis at 7 and 19UT daily, are stored in this series. The latest (Oct. 14, 2011 or later) version of VFISV was used to process the full-disk data since October 1st, 2011. The latest version of VFISV is being used to extend this series using the latest definitive Stokes data, on the 2 per day basis, usually about a week after the observation. An older version (May 26, 2011) was used to process most of the Stokes data from May 2010 to September 2011, however, the latest version was used to process some data this 17-month period. Data for scattered additional time intervals are also available. Differences between the versions are described below. Checking the version of VFISV codes is strongly recommended.
  • hmi.ME720s_e15w1332_HARP - HMI Active Region Patches

    • The latest version (Oct. 14, 2011) of VFISV has been used to generate the ME data stored in this series. Many of the active regions were recognized automatically by the HARP module, while some were defined manually. This series includes 12-minute (720s) cadence data for several of the ARs that created X-class flares in 2011, including the one occurring on 2011 February 15 (at NOAA AR11158). The ME data stored at this series were used for preparing the test data release of the 3-component disambiguated vector data for AR 11158. Additional time intervals are described at ReleaseNotes2.

Versions of VFISV in the FITS files exported at JSOC database

  • The VFISV version is stored as a string value in the keyword INVCODEV.

    • The ME data for the two series were processed with one of three versions, labeled with a date, "May 26, 2011", "Oct 14, 2011" or "Nov 27, 2011".
    • In IDL, for example, if the exported data is read with fitsio_read_image() then, the version keyword can be printed with sxpar():

    •     IDL> img=fitsio_read_image('img.fits',header)
          IDL> print, sxpar(header,'INVCODEV') 
  • Differences between 2011-May-26 version and 2011-October-14 version

    • VFISV core part
      1. Some of initial guess values for the iterative residual minimization were changed.
      2. Derivatives of residual square-chi is calculated with the best-fitting parameters instead of those at the last iteration stage.
    • Other change in the JSOC context
      1. The 32-bit quality flag for each pixel (segment name : qual_map) was redefined. This change is adjustable without rerunning VFISV, thus, the published data at the two series have the quality flag map given with the latest definition.
  • Differences between 2011-October-14 version and 2011-November-27 version

    • The changes were limited to the JSOC data interface and MPI parallelism, and thus did not affect the output data values.

JsocWiki: ME720se15w1332 (last edited 2013-05-01 04:35:26 by localhost)